

What to expect, when your tightened??

Discover how you'll feel post-endoscopic procedure. Learn what to expect, what's normal, and effective tips for managing discomfort and nausea.

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Profile image of Sheri, RN

Sheri, RN

Head of Nursing Services

When you have surgery, you know to expect discomfort, pain, recovery and nausea. But why should I expect those symptoms from an endoscopic procedure? How am I going to feel? What’s normal? What will help manage my symptoms?

On the Mend

Endoscopic procedures are incisionless, non-surgical procedures. They do not leave scars, and the recovery is just a couple days. So, you may wonder, how am I going to feel after I have my stomach tightened, I have my sleeve revised or I have my gastric bypass repaired? If it isn’t surgery, will I have discomfort?

Let’s think about what is being done. For Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) “Stomach Tightening”, Gastrectomy Revisions and Gastric Bypass Repairs, the capacity of the stomach is decreased, by width and length. You will have swelling. And sutures are placed in the muscle of your stomach. So, it may seem obvious, but you are going to be uncomfortable. Some people describe a cramp like feeling, a tightness, fullness, bloating, and yes, pain. Now, these symptoms are limited, and last a couple days. The best way to manage this is with walking and movement. Let your body adjust to its new anatomy. And move the trapped gas from the procedure. Walking will do wonders for you.

With your new stomach size, you will likely have some nausea. Some people have mild nausea and some more significant nausea. It too is limited to the first few days. Although you will have medications that will help with this, a great remedy for this, is walking! You may be thinking, how can walking help nausea? Some of the nausea is related to the tightness of the stomach, stretch and nerve receptors are activated. Walking will mobilize air and gas, helping to relax these sensors, making you less distended and less nauseated!

You will have medication that will also help with all these symptoms, and we encourage you to use them for your recovery. But we also want you to move and walk. This will help with all forms of recovery. Pain, nausea, breathing and tolerating liquids are all benefitted by walking!

If you have questions related to this topic or others, please reach out to me! I love to hear for you!!!

Be good to yourselves,

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