Thank You All, So Much!
Gain insights and support from a nurse with personal experience. Prioritize yourself and achieve your health goals in 2024!

Head of Nursing Services
When I was approached to write a weekly newsletter, my first thought was, “Why would people want to hear what I have to say?” As the last few months have gone on, I have realized that I have more to say than I realized (I can hear some of you laughing), and given the feedback, you do want to hear what I have to say!
Weight Loss Takes a Village!
Unless you have lived through it, some people find it hard to understand how difficult weight loss can be. Throughout my life, full of fad diets, aggressive exercise routines and disappointment, knowing there is a community of support is paramount! I want this newsletter to be your community. I want you to reach out to me, tell me your questions, what you want to hear more about and what struggles you are facing.
Not only have I had personal struggles with obesity and weight loss, but I have also been a nurse, caring for patients with the same struggles. Watched them have success and failures. Watched them give up and find new hope. Watched them cry tears of sorrow and joy. Obesity is a disease that effects your physical and emotional well-being.
The new year always brings hope and visions. Resolutions are made and often not followed through. Do not resolve to lose weight and exercise more. I’ll repeat that…. DO NOT resolve to lose weight and exercise more!! Resolve to make yourself a priority. I know that isn’t easy, I have been trying to accomplish that for more years than I care to count. But it’s possible. And, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Chose 1 more hour of sleep on mornings you really don’t have to get up. Chose a 15 minute walk a day, just yourself, to clear your head and focus. Chose to get yourself a massage when you meet a weight goal. Chose you!
I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts for new topics this new year! I am excited for all that is to come in 2024. New adventures, new goals and new challenges! I am excited to take this journey with you and help in any way possible. Focus on discipline not will-power. Focus on your achievement, small or large, and celebrate them. We got this!
Please reach out to me with questions, comments and everything in between. I will see you all in the 2024!!!
Thank you all for your support!
Sheri Head of Nursing Survices