Quote from Courtney, a Bariendo gastric bypass revision patient

Success Stories

Courtney reversed 15 years of post-surgery weight gain with a non-surgical revision

From 165 to 118 pounds - revision procedure was life-changing. It's not an end-all, but with work and dedication, the results are worth it. Do it!

Bariendo Revision of Gastric Bypass patient
Total weight loss
47 lbs
Percentage lost
Months since procedure

What made you decide to seek out a revision procedure?

I got the first bypass surgery done in 2004. The revision was done 15 years later with Dr. Jirapinyo. In 2004, I weighed 215 pounds and was 4’ 11”. I was severely overweight. I was in an abusive relationship, and I was down on self-esteem. I tried to exercise, but nothing seemed to be working. I heard about gastric bypass and was really nervous. After the surgery, I saw results immediately. I had a new view on life and was able to keep my weight off for many years.

Then, 15 years later, I started seeing the same thing happen. It felt like my stomach muscles were expanding. It was the nighttime cravings. Even when I tried to be disciplined, I found myself being hungry more often. I decided to pursue a revision procedure with Dr. Jirapinyo in 2019.

What was your experience like with the revision procedure?

It was a great experience. I felt really good after that one. I was really trying to push it. I was around 165 lbs., and I think I got down to 118 lbs.

The only downside is that people don’t think it’s that big of a deal. It was an emotional rollercoaster, not being able to have normal food during the first few weeks, especially if you cook for your family. That’s the hardest part. But it’s life-changing.

Is there anything you would like to tell others who are considering undergoing a revision procedure?

Do it. But do it with the mindset that it’s not going to be an end-all. You do have to put in a lot of work. You get out of it what you put into it.