
Category Archives: Insight

Benefits of Non-Surgical Weight-Loss Procedures You Shouldn’t Overlook

Benefits of Non-Surgical Weight-Loss Procedures You Shouldn't Overlook

Losing weight is a challenging process for many people. It takes regular devotion, time, and effort, especially if you have personal benchmarks and objectives. For individuals seeking greater results, advances in medical technology have resulted in a variety of non-surgical weight-loss choices. These weight loss techniques can provide numerous benefits, particularly when combined with a

Common Misconceptions About Non-Surgical Gastric Balloon

Common Misconceptions About Non-Surgical Gastric Balloon

Weight management is a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Today, minimally invasive options are becoming more popular. The non-surgical gastric balloon procedure, in particular, has gained attention since its FDA approval in 2015 as an excellent option for those looking to achieve weight loss success. However, amid its growing popularity, misinformation about it

Understanding How Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) Facilitates Weight Loss

Understanding How Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) Facilitates Weight Loss

Obesity can lead to a host of issues for your health and well-being. With millions of Americans dealing with obesity, the need for effective, minimally invasive, and long-lasting solutions becomes more paramount than ever before. Before exploring surgical solutions with risks and extensive downtime, patients may appreciate the benefits of procedures such as Endoscopic Sleeve

The Complete Guide to the Gastric Balloon: Before and After

Guide to the Gastric Balloon

Despite exercising and following a healthy diet, many individuals still struggle with losing weight. Others are unable to work out regularly or have little access to nutritious food choices. Regardless of the reason, weight loss can be challenging. Trying so hard to burn fat but seeing no results can be discouraging. If you’re having trouble

How Effective Is The Gastric Balloon Procedure?

How Effective Is The Gastric Balloon Procedure

Many patients who are overweight or obese find it difficult to shed unwanted pounds even after following typical weight loss advice, such as maintaining a calorie deficit and increasing their physical activity. For this reason, many may look to alternative treatment options that provide more immediate and significant results. The gastric balloon is an effective,

What To Expect Before and After an Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty or ESG Stomach Tightening

What To Expect Before and After an Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty or ESG Stomach Tightening

Embarking on the journey towards a healthier you is an exciting and transformative experience. In recent years, medical breakthroughs like endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) or Stomach Tightening have revolutionized the weight loss landscape, offering minimally invasive solutions for those striving to combat obesity and improve their quality of life. If you’re considering this revolutionary procedure,

Understanding Endoscopic Revision of Prior Bariatric Surgery

Understanding Endoscopic Revision of Prior Bariatric Surgery

Obesity is a common health concern, and bariatric surgery is one of the many ways doctors treat it. Bariatric surgery typically results in significant weight loss. However, some patients gain some of the weight back. Typically, the weight regained after a surgical weight loss procedure is 15–25% of the total weight lost. Sometimes, the weight

Navigating the Holiday Feasts: Essential Tips for Post-Weight Loss Procedure Eating

Tips for Post-Weight Loss Procedure Eating

The holiday season is a time of joy, warmth, and indulgence in delicious foods. But for those who have recently undergone Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) Stomach Tightening, the festive time can be a time of stress and anxiety. As the celebrations and get-togethers approach, you’ll likely be presented with various delicious treats. With a mindful


ESG and the IGB are endoscopic procedures

Most people are aware that weight loss procedures and weight loss medications exist. In this week’s newsletter, I will discuss the benefits of 2 procedures we offer patients. ESG stomach tightening, or Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty and IGB, Intra Gastric Balloon, are both effective weight loss tools. Let’s dive into the benefits of these unique procedures.